New enrolments are accepted at our school at any time of the year and we look forward to welcoming new enrolments to our school community.
Prep to Secondary school enrolments
Enrolment form (PDF, 5.8MB)
Prep is the first compulsory year of school and provides the foundation for your child's education. It is compulsory for Queensland children to undertake Prep prior to Year 1. Prep is a full-time program in primary schools and has a defined curriculum. Children attend Monday to Friday, generally from 8.30am to 2.30pm.
Children must be at least 5 by 30 June in the year they enrol for Prep.
To determine when your child can commence their prep year, use the prep calculator External link.
Kindy enrolments
Kindy enrolment form (DOCX, 101KB)
Kindy, is for 3 and 4-year-old children as the first non-compulsory year if your child is too young for Prep. Kindy is also known as State Delivered Kindergarten (SDK). Our Kindy is a part-time program and has a defined curriculum. Children attend only 15 hours per week.
Children must be at least 4 by 30 June in the year they enrol for Kindy.
If you cannot download the document/s linked from this page, please contact us and we will provide a copy via the school office.